Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving gratitude!

So once in every year we throng upon a day apart, to praise the lord with feast and song in thankfulness of heart.
Arthur Guiterman, The first Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Abundance is not something we acquire, it is something we tune into.

Wayne Dyer

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hiking Zion National Park

I Just spent another amazing day hiking the spectacular Zion National Park.
Wow! I just cant get over this place.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Becoming a Master Marketer

While mindful of the process I have gone through from being a paid per contract laborer (working as a decorative artist) to becoming a Master Marketer, I have observed many changes in myself starting from the way I dress to the thoughts I think.
in light of all this I have been amazed at how limiting my thoughts have been placed inside the parameters of going to a day to day job. which by the way, almost pained me.
being required to dress in the ugliest already painted clothes, working under unbearable conditions such as very hot or freezing weather, amongst noxious fumes, loud construction noises, constant cliche comments such as "are we havin fun yet?" or "are ya winnin?" and what does one reply to a question like that? um.. yeah!

My efforts and energy are so profoundly more important than that, that often times I set in utter disbeliefe that I ever subjected myself to a life of such struggle.

I can't wait to meet Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson at the Annual Carbon Copy Pro, Master Marketing event in Las Vegas November 20th to Thank them from the depths pf my heart for creating the platformn from which has allowed my life to transform so dramatically that I barely recognise the person I used to be.